As of September 15, 2009 Anonymizer Anti-Spyware is no longer supported.
The following 8 steps should help you easily install your Anonymizer software. Our InstallAware Wizard will guide you through each step. Images are provided for additional clarification to visually guide you through the process.
Step 1
Click the “Installation” icon. You will see the “InstallAware Wizard.” Click “Next” to continue.
Step 2
Read the licensing agreement, check the “I accept the license agreement” box and then “Next.”
Step 3
You will be asked to select your install type, choosing “Complete Setup” is highly recommended.
Step 4
The next window will allow you to select your destination path; simply click “Next.” DO NOT change the installation path!
Step 5
In this step, you can choose to install the software for “All Users” or “Just Me.” Once you have made your selection, click “Next.”
Step 6
You are now ready to install the Software. Click “Next” to continue. The installation process will then begin.
Step 7
Choose “Finish” to begin running the software.
Step 8
After installation is complete, you will be brought to your personal “Dashboard” to activate your software.
NOTE: For future reference, Your Anonymizer® Software is managed by your Dashboard, a place where you can easily control all of your online identity protection programs in one easy location. Your Dashboard also gives you access to the status of your installed Anonymizer software and quick links to get easy updates. In addition, you can also access the latest articles and announcements regarding online identify protection from your Dashboard. To find out more about your Dashboard, click here
$(‘#side_nav a:contains(“Install”)’).addClass(‘active’);