Business Threats Explained

Business Data Integrity Threat Center

IP-Based Cloaking or IP Cloaking and Web Spoofing

IP Cloaking is the process of delivering one version of a Web page to one site visitor and a completely different version to another visitor. This is all done through a simple IP address detection. Why would a person or company want to do this? One of the main uses for this online trickery is to mislead competitors that visit a Web site. Anonymizer can protect you against IP Cloaking and ensure you gather accurate competitive and market intelligence.

Web Spoofing is when a company detects that a competitor, for example, is visiting their Web site and gleaning competitive information, such as pricing, product information, etc. They “sniff” their competitor’s IP address and since they don’t want their competitors to easily access this info, they spoof their site. Web Spoofing is providing false and misleading information to throw their competitors off. IP Cloaking and Web Spoofing are virtually the same thing.

Learn more about IP Cloaking and Web Spoofing and how Anonymizer can help ensure you maintain good data integrity.

IP-Based Blocking or IP Blocking

IP Blocking is similar to IP Cloaking and Web Spoofing in that it detects a visitor’s IP address and determines whether or not the visitor will be allowed to enter into the Web site. Many companies completely block their competitors from viewing their sites altogether, in hopes of keeping newly released information from them. Have you ever been blocked by a site? With Anonymizer, you can avoid this inconvenience altogether and stop wasting your time. Avoid IP Blocking and ensure your employees have complete access to public information on the Internet.

Learn more about IP Blocking and how Anonymizer can help you gain accurate competitive analysis.

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