Anonymizer Universal™ Windows Platform
Removing Anonymizer Universal on your PC is quick-and-easy. Simply follow these 8 steps to uninstall.
Step 1
Begin by right clicking the “Anonymizer Universal” icon in the lower right-hand corner of your system tray and then choose “Exit.”
Step 2
Click on the “Start” icon in the lower left-hand corner and then choose “Control Panel.”
Step 3
Choose “Uninstall a program” under “Programs” or “Add or Remove Programs.”
Step 4
Choose “Anonymizer Universal” from the list and select “Uninstall” to begin the “Uninstall Wizard.”
Step 5
Select “Yes” when prompted by the User Account Control.
Step 6
Select “Remove” to uninstall completely and then “Next” to continue.
Step 7
Although it will appear to be installing the software, it is actually beginning the uninstall process.
Step 8
Select “Finish” once you have received the message “Anonymizer Universal has been uninstalled successfully.”
$(‘#side_nav a[rel=”win_remove”]’).addClass(‘active’);