Anonymizer Total Net Shield™ v2.09
How to configure browsers to go through the Total Net Shield servers
Click on “Start” or the “Windows” icon in the lower left corner. Choose “All Programs” and then the “Anonymizer” folder. Select the “Configuration Wizard.”
Click on “Make Secure” for the Browsers you would like secured through Total Net Shield. If you do not see the browser you use in this list, please contact Technical Support for further assistance. Click on “Restore Settings” to show your real IP address.
You are now set up to browse the Internet anonymously, and can check your configuration settings at any Web site that can trace your IP address. Please access Web sites such as IP Chicken for verification. If you are being secured by Anonymizer, you will either see the IP address the same as the Name Address or the Name address will contain a different Internet Service Provider than your current Internet Service Provider. This IP address will change every 24 hours.
If you are not being secured, you will see your ISP information in the “Name Address” field.