My IP Address Cannot be Found by Anonymizer
My IP Address Cannot be Found by Anonymizer
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Issue:My IP Address Cannot be Found by Anonymizer
Error Messages(s): |
Error Codes(s): |
Resolution(s): These errors are received when the connection to the domain is lost or being blocked. is the website used by Anonymizer to identify if your computer is currently protected by Anonymizer Universal.
// Step 1
If this is the first time you have seen this error, restart the Anonymizer Universal program.
- Exit the application by right-clicking on the Anonymizer icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen (by the clock) and left-click “Exit”
- Restart Anonymizer Universal by double-clicking on the “Anonymizer Universal” icon on the desktop or by going to “Start/ Windows icon” -> “All Programs” -> “Anonymizer”-> “Anonymizer Universal”.
// Step 2
If you continue to receive this error, please ensure that your Firewall is set up to “Allow” a connections to all Anonymizer programs and servers.
- To do this, you may need to add “” as a trusted network in your firewall configuration and any intrusion prevention program.
- In addition, “Anonymizer Universal” and “AnonOpenVPN” must be added as allowed programs within the “Program Control” or “Applications” section of your Internet Security Suite.
// Step 3
Please see “Firewall- Software” for instructions to allow these programs through your firewall.