Online Investment Research
There is a real risk when an organization performs online investment research. Without proper anonymity during investment intelligence gathering, the organization may not only be hindering their negotiations, but also inviting reciprocal research and monitoring, resulting in possible derailment of the opportunity. It is important that your research does not reveal your intention before you are ready.
Misattributed Fingerprint
Companies can easily analyze their web logs and identify unlikely visitor patterns, revealing investment, M&A, or financial trends research, potentially resulting in the researcher being blocked from the data they need. By executing research with a misattributed fingerprint through Ion’s on-demand IP rotation, intentions remain undisclosed and your organization’s anonymity persists.
IP Control
Ion ensures you have total control over your IP address persistence and how often it rotates while performing investment intelligence data harvesting requests. Learn about emerging business trends and technologies before investing in them while
protecting your sensitive interests.